Blue player gets the option to retreat or surrender in a battle with his opponent (2 times only). Special rule applicable only for games with simultaneous turns 222 or higher. In final fights the player who deals the finishing blow wins the game (Reflected damage from Fire Shield and Magic Mirror also counts as a last hit for a player who casted these spells).

Whoever controls the central desert town by the end of this turn - wins the game. You can retreat in a fight with neutral guards and buy back in a tavern.įF242 (Final Fight on month 2 week 4 day 2 ). Doing so, means you lost the game and must admit defeat.

It is strictly prohibited to retreat or surrender when fighting your opponent. It is permitted to use Dimension Door to teleport over a Border Guard and immediately attack it. Only one Border Guard (of 45K value) must be defeated or joined in order to gain free access to all other zones on the map. Each player gets 1 re-roll for 500 gold with ban. Fast Roads, monsters - strong, 160% difficulty, tournament rules on. If the situation at hand is not covered in this ruleset, then write about it in our discord. Refer to these rules in case of conflicting opinions.

And that's the story of how JO came to be what it is now. At some point Baratorch even made a fix that disables the possibility of recruiting Heroes from Tavern, specifically for Outcast. They loved this template and I'm sure they brought a lot of new players to the lobby. The hype was so unreal that streamers like Gluhammer, Twaryna and Dreadz, as well as content creator Sir Troglodyte, all took notice of this new thing - 1 Hero gaming. Especially when the first Jebus Roulette tournament was organized by Feral and Lexiav - then it really took off. It was less time consuming, it was simple, engaging and fun.įrom that moment Jebus Outcast started gaining more and more popularity. And later on, it was on his stream where I saw that playing this game with 1 Hero is actually viable (by adding certain rules basically), for me it was like the key missing element which was needed to turn Heroes 3 into more approachable game for everyone. First streamer who started playing it and brought a lot of attention to JO was Lexiav, his feedback was crucial in the process of development. Back then it was played with 8 Heroes like all the other templates. Then I showed it to John Denver, who had ideas similar to mine regarding the balance issues of Heroes 3, and he helped me pick the name for this template. It all began with a special version of Jebus King that had pretty much all the overpowered stuff removed. Jebus Outcast was originally envisioned as a template which lets you experience Heroes 3 in a totally different way.